Question 01 to 20
- 1.Question: Choose the correct spelling.
- a.Secretariate
- b.Secretariete
- c.Secretariat
- d.Secretariet
- Answer:(c)
- 2.Question: কোনটির ইংরেজি বানান শুদ্ধ নয় ?
- a.desart
- b.dependant
- c.site
- d.calendar
- Answer:(a)
- 3.Question: কোনটি শুদ্ধ বানান ?
- a.Commission
- b.Comision
- c.Comission
- d.Commision
- Answer:(a)
- 4.Question: Select the correctly spelled out words.
- a.Resturant
- b.Restaurent
- c.Restaurant
- d.Resturent
- Answer:(c)
- 5.Question: How many words are incorrect below ? marriage, possession, begining, beleive, receive, indispensable, universal.
- a.one
- b.two
- c.three
- d.four
- e.none
- Answer:(b)
- 6.Question: Find the word with wrong spelling -
- a.Privilege
- b.Mortgage
- c.Conjurer
- d.Rejoyce
- e.Adjacent
- Answer:(d)
- 7.Question: Choose the correct spelling :
- a.Anticedent
- b.Antecedent
- c.Anticident
- d.Antecident
- Answer:(b)
- 8.Question: Choose the correct spelling -
- a.Whispar
- b.Whisper
- c.Wisper
- d.Whispere
- Answer:(d)
- 9.Question: Choose the correct spelling -
- a.reconcilation
- b.reconciliation
- c.reconcilliation
- d.reconceliation
- Answer:(b)
- 10.Question: Choose the correct spelling.
- a.Fascination
- b.Facination
- c.Facenation
- d.Fascenition
- Answer:(a)
- 11.Question: কোন বানানটি শুদ্ধ ?
- a.Compulsory
- b.Universial
- c.Primery
- d.Headach
- Answer:(a)
- 12.Question: Choose the correct one ---?
- a.Mispel
- b.Mispell
- c.Missple
- d.Misspell
- Answer:(d)
- 13.Question: Which is the correct spelling ?
- a.Newmonia
- b.Pneumonia
- c.Penwmania
- d.Neumonia
- Answer:(b)
- 14.Question: Identification of correct spelling .
- a.Kindargarten
- b.Kindgergerten
- c.Kindgergarden
- d.Kintergarden
- e.Kindergarten
- Answer:(e)
- 15.Question: কোনটি শুদ্ধ বানান ?
- a.Greivance
- b.Grievance
- c.Griveance
- d.Grieveance
- Answer:(b)
- 16.Question: Choose the correct spelling -
- a.Supercilious
- b.Supercelious
- c.Supercillious
- d.Supercileous
- Answer:(a)
- 17.Question: Choose the correctly spelt word :
- a.Superceed
- b.Superseed
- c.Supercede
- d.Supersede
- Answer:(d)
- 18.Question: কোনটি শুদ্ধ বানান ?
- a.Passenger
- b.Pasanger
- c.Pesanger
- d.Pessanger
- Answer:(a)
- 19.Question: The correct spelling is -
- a.Exeggerate
- b.Exegerete
- c.Exagerate
- d.Exaggerate
- Answer:(d)
- 20.Question: Which one is the correct spelling ?
- a.Cigarettes
- b.Cigarrets
- c.Ciggarets
- d.Cigerates
- Answer:(a)
Spelling mcq test -01
20টি কুইজের মধ্যে 18টি সঠিক উত্তর দিতে হবে।
আপনার উত্তর:
সঠিক উত্তর:
আপনার উত্তর
Question 21 to 40
- 21.Question: Choose the correct spelling -
- a.fulfill
- b.fullfil
- c.fulfill
- d.fullfill
- Answer:(c)
- 22.Question: কোন বানানটি শুদ্ধ ?
- a.Assesment
- b.Asessment
- c.Asesment
- d.Assessment
- Answer:(d)
- 23.Question: Which one is correctly spelt ?
- a.Colonel
- b.Cornel
- c.Koronel
- d.Kornel
- Answer:(a)
- 24.Question: Do not use --- language.
- a.Obscence
- b.Offseene
- c.Opseene
- d.Obseni
- Answer:(a)
- 25.Question: Choose the correct spelling :
- a.accessories
- b.acessories
- c.accesories
- d.accesiores
- Answer:(a)
- 26.Question: কোনটি শুদ্ধ বানান ?
- a.Constelation
- b.Constelletion
- c.Constellation
- d.Costeletion
- Answer:(c)
- 27.Question: Which is the correct spelling?
- a.Obnoksous
- b.Obnoxious
- c.Obnoxsous
- d.Obnocious
- Answer:(b)
- 28.Question: Choose the word that is misspelled.
- a.peripheral
- b.pernicious
- c.permisive
- d.perpendicular
- Answer:(c)
- 29.Question: Select the correctly spelt word:
- a.hetarogeneous
- b.heterogeneous
- c.hetrogeneous
- d.hetroganeous
- Answer:(b)
- 30.Question: কোনটি শুদ্ধ বানান ?
- a.Exhilaration
- b.Exilaration
- c.Exhilaretion
- d.Exilaretion
- Answer:(a)
- 31.Question: সঠিক বানানের শব্দ কোনটি ?
- a.Unfare
- b.Unfear
- c.Unfaire
- d.Unfair
- Answer:(d)
- 32.Question: Find the correct spelling.
- a.Addultration
- b.Adultration
- c.Addulteration
- d.Adulteration
- Answer:(d)
- 33.Question: কোনটি শুদ্ধ বানান ?
- a.Television
- b.Beging
- c.Diarrhoea
- d.Believ
- Answer:(c)
- 34.Question: কোনটি শুদ্ধ বানান ?
- a.Hetrogenous
- b.Hetrogeneus
- c.Heterogenous
- d.Heterogeneous
- Answer:(d)
- 35.Question: Find the misspelt word :
- a.anarchic
- b.anacronism
- c.analytical
- d.anterior
- Answer:(b)
- 36.Question:Which one is wrongly spelt?
- a.ladies
- b.monkies
- c.monkies
- d.monkies
- Answer:(b)
- 37.Question: Which one of the following has the right spelling ?
- a.Miscelanous
- b.Misscellaneous
- c.Miscelaneous
- d.Miscellaneous
- Answer:(d)
- 38.Question: Choose the correct spelling -
- a.Aborance
- b.Abhorence
- c.Abhorrence
- d.Abhorance
- Answer:(c)
- 39.Question: কোনটি শুদ্ধ বানান ?
- a.Curriculam
- b.Secondery
- c.Tremendous
- d.Influenja
- Answer:(c)
- 40.Question: কোন বানানটি শুদ্ধ ?
- a.Caleidoscope
- b.Kalaidoscope
- c.Caleidoskope
- d.Kaleidoscope
- Answer:(d)
Spelling mcq test -02
20টি কুইজের মধ্যে 18টি সঠিক উত্তর দিতে হবে।
আপনার উত্তর:
সঠিক উত্তর:
আপনার উত্তর
Question 41 to 60
- 41.Question: Identify the correct spelling .
- a.Pungtual
- b.Puntual
- c.Punctual
- d.Puncttual
- Answer:(c)
- 42.Question: কোনটি শুদ্ধ বানান ?
- a.Bouquete
- b.Bouquet
- c.Bouquette
- d.Boquet
- Answer:(b)
- 43.Question: Choose the correctly spelt word :
- a.Volantory
- b.Volantary
- c.Voluntary
- d.Voluntory
- Answer:(c)
- 44.Question: Select the correctly spelt words.
- a.Convence
- b.Conveyance
- c.Convance
- d.Conviyance
- Answer:(b)
- 45.Question: Select the correctly spelt words.
- a.Quarral
- b.Quarel
- c.Quarrel
- d.Quarrele
- Answer:(c)
- 46.Question: Identification of correct spelling .
- a.Conspicuous
- b.Conspecious
- c.Conscipious
- d.Conspeqous
- e.Conspecuous
- Answer:(a)
- 47.Question: Find the word which has the correct spelling.
- a.astray
- b.alin
- c.asign
- d.atempt
- Answer:(a)
- 48.Question: কোনটি শুদ্ধ বানান ?
- a.Sattellite
- b.Sattelite
- c.Satelite
- d.Satellite
- Answer:(d)
- 49.Question: Which is wrong spelling ?
- a.Necessary
- b.Prosparity
- c.Influence
- d.Happiness
- Answer:(b)
- 50.Question: Correctly spelt word is -
- a.Asassination
- b.Assassination
- c.Assasination
- d.Asasination
- e.Asaysination
- Answer:(b)
- 51.Question: Which of the following words wrong in spelling ?
- a.Pneumonia
- b.Colera
- c.Dyspepsia
- d.Diarrhoea
- Answer:(b)
- 52.Question: Choose the correct spelling.
- a.explaination
- b.explanation
- c.ixplanation
- d.explenation
- Answer:(b)
- 53.Question: সঠিক বানানের শব্দ কোনটি ?
- a.Credential
- b.Credancial
- c.Credantial
- d.Credencial
- Answer:(a)
- 54.Question: কোনটি শুদ্ধ বানান ?
- a.Jewelery
- b.Jwellry
- c.Jwellry
- d.Jewellery
- Answer:(d)
- 55.Question: Which one of the following is properly spelt ?
- a.lyeing
- b.layieng
- c.lying
- d.layeing
- Answer:(c)
- 56.Question: Which of the words is misspelt ?
- a.Receive
- b.Believ
- c.Deciet
- d.Preview
- Answer:(c)
- 57.Question: কোন বানানটি শুদ্ধ ?
- a.Forefiet
- b.Forefeit
- c.Forfeit
- d.Forfiet
- Answer:(c)
- 58.Question: Identification of correct spelling .
- a.Voolaptuos
- b.Voleptious
- c.Volaptuous
- d.Voluptuous
- e.Volaptuous
- Answer:(d)
- 59.Question: কোনটির ইংরেজি বানান শুদ্ধ নয় ?
- a.counsil
- b.fare
- c.principal
- d.comfort
- Answer:(a)
- 60.Question: The only error in the sentence "One of the recommendation made by the committee was accepted by the authorities" is --
- a.recommendation
- b.was
- c.accepted by
- d.committee
- Answer:(a)
Spelling mcq test -03
20টি কুইজের মধ্যে 18টি সঠিক উত্তর দিতে হবে।
আপনার উত্তর:
সঠিক উত্তর:
আপনার উত্তর
Question 61 to 80
- 61.Question: Which of the following words is misspelt ?
- a.bureaucracy
- b.bungalow
- c.bumpkin
- d.buoyent
- Answer:(d)
- 62.Question: Select the correctly spelled out words.
- a.Perseberance
- b.Persevarance
- c.Perseverance
- d.Perseverence
- Answer:(c)
- 63.Question: কোনটি শুদ্ধ বানান ?
- a.Posesion
- b.Posession
- c.Possession
- d.Possesion
- Answer:(c)
- 64.Question: Choose the correct spelling.
- a.Visionary
- b.Visonary
- c.Visionery
- d.Visonery
- Answer:(a)
- 65.Question: কোনটি শুদ্ধ বানান ?
- a.Ceiling
- b.Cealing
- c.Ceilling
- d.Ceiling
- Answer:(d)
- 66.Question: কোনটি শুদ্ধ বানান ?
- a.Chrysanthemum
- b.Chrysanthemam
- c.Krysanthemum
- d.Chrysenthimum
- Answer:(a)
- 67.Question: What is the correct spelling ?
- a.Shakespear
- b.Shakespeare
- c.Shakespear
- d.Shakespiar
- Answer:(b)
- 68.Question: কোনটি শুদ্ধ বানান ?
- a.Beligarent
- b.Beligerent
- c.Belligerent
- d.Belijerent
- Answer:(c)
- 69.Question: কোনটি শুদ্ধ বানান ?
- a.Tuberculisis
- b.Tubarculosis
- c.Tuberculisis
- d.Tuberculosis
- Answer:(d)
- 70.Question: সঠিক বানানের শব্দ কোনটি ?
- a.Collataral
- b.Colatteral
- c.Collateral
- d.Colateral
- Answer:(c)
- 71.Question: Choose the correctly spelt word :
- a.Hallucination
- b.Hellucination
- c.Halusination
- d.Hallusination
- Answer:(a)
- 72.Question: Choose the correctly spelt word :
- a.Accilerate
- b.Accelerate
- c.Accelerrate
- d.Accilarate
- Answer:(b)
- 73.Question: Choose the correct spelling -
- a.Posthumous
- b.Posthumus
- c.Postumous
- d.Posthumouse
- Answer:(a)
- 74.Question: কোনটি শুদ্ধ বানান ?
- a.Conquerer
- b.Conqueror
- c.Conqaror
- d.Conqarer
- Answer:(b)
- 75.Question: কোনটি শুদ্ধ বানান ?
- a.Inkandescent
- b.Incandecent
- c.Inkandescen
- d.Inkandescent
- Answer:(d)
- 76.Question: কোনটি শুদ্ধ বানান ?
- a.Aknowledgement
- b.Acknoledgement
- c.Aknowlegement
- d.Acknowledgement
- Answer:(d)
- 77.Question: Choose the correct spelling.
- a.Ascertain
- b.Assertain
- c.Asertain
- d.Asartain
- Answer:(a)
- 78.Question:নিচের কোনটি শুদ্ধ বানান ?
- a.Collegaue
- b.Coleague
- c.Clleague
- d.Colleague
- Answer:(d)
- 79.Question: Select a word having the correct spelling.
- a.Challenge
- b.Challange
- c.Chalenge
- d.Challnge
- Answer:(a)
- 80.Question: কোনটি শুদ্ধ বানান ?
- a.Agreable
- b.Agreeable
- c.Agreeable
- d.Agreabel
- Answer:(b)
Spelling mcq test -04
20টি কুইজের মধ্যে 18টি সঠিক উত্তর দিতে হবে।
আপনার উত্তর:
সঠিক উত্তর:
আপনার উত্তর
Question 81 to 100
- 81.Question: Select the correctly spelt words.
- a.Aggression
- b.Agression
- c.Aggresion
- d.Aggrasion
- Answer:(a)
- 82.Question: Which one is the correct spelt ?
- a.Incumbent
- b.Incumvent
- c.Incummbent
- d.Incummvent
- Answer:(a)
- 83.Question: Choose the correct spelling--
- a.Supercileous
- b.Supercillious
- c.Superceleous
- d.Supercilious
- Answer:(d)
- 84.Question: কোনটি শুদ্ধ বানান ?
- a.Compulsary
- b.Universel
- c.Primery
- d.Education
- Answer:(d)
- 85.Question: কোন বানানটি শুদ্ধ ?
- a.Accesible
- b.Accessible
- c.Accesible
- d.Acsecible
- Answer:(b)
- 86.Question: Choose the correct spelling.
- a.Gillotine
- b.Gillotine
- c.Guillotine
- d.Gilottin
- Answer:(c)
- 87.Question: Choose the correct spelling.
- a.Enclyopadia
- b.Encyclopidia
- c.Encyclopaedia
- d.Encyclopideia
- Answer:(c)
- 88.Question: কোন শব্দটিতে ইংরেজি বানান ভুল আছে ?
- a.desert
- b.dependant
- c.sit
- d.calendar
- Answer:(c)
- 89.Question: Select the correctly spelled out words.
- a.Depresion
- b.Depression
- c.Deprission
- d.Dipression
- Answer:(b)
- 90.Question: Which one of the following has the correct spelling ?
- a.Millionire
- b.Millionair
- c.Millionaire
- d.Millionir
- Answer:(c)
- 91.Question: শুদ্ধ বানান কোনটি ?
- a.Leutenant
- b.Leftenant
- c.Lieutenant
- d.Lieutenant
- Answer:(c)
- 92.Question: Which one of the following has the right spelling ?
- a.Millenniam
- b.Millenium
- c.Milennium
- d.Millennium
- Answer:(d)
- 93.Question: সঠিক বানানের শব্দ কোনটি ?
- a.Personel
- b.Personnel
- c.Personale
- d.Parsonnel
- Answer:(b)
- 94.Question: কোনটি শুদ্ধ বানান ?
- a.Dysentary
- b.Dysentery
- c.Disentary
- d.Disentery
- Answer:(b)
- 95.Question: Select the correctly spelt words.
- a.Questionere
- b.Questionaire
- c.Questionnaire
- d.Questionare
- Answer:(c)
- 96.Question: কোনটি শুদ্ধ বানান ?
- a.Tresspass
- b.Tresspas
- c.Trespass
- d.Trespas
- Answer:(c)
- 97.Question: সঠিক বানানের শব্দ কোনটি ?
- a.Extantion
- b.Extansion
- c.Extension
- d.Extention
- Answer:(c)
- 98.Question: Correct spelling is -
- a.Writing
- b.Writting
- c.Ritting
- d.Wrriting
- Answer:(a)
- 99.Question: Which is correct spelling ?
- a.Comitment
- b.Commitmant
- c.Commitment
- d.Committment
- Answer:(c)
- 100.Question: কোনটি শুদ্ধ বানান ?
- a.Consceintious
- b.Conscientous
- c.Conscientious
- d.Consientous
- Answer:(c)
Spelling mcq test -05
20টি কুইজের মধ্যে 18টি সঠিক উত্তর দিতে হবে।
আপনার উত্তর:
সঠিক উত্তর:
আপনার উত্তর
Question 101 to 120
- 101.Question: Choose the correct spelling.
- a.Colleague
- b.Chollegue
- c.Culleague
- d.Calleague
- Answer:(a)
- 102.Question: সঠিক বানান কোনটি ?
- a.Environment
- b.Enviournment
- c.Envirment
- d.Enviroment
- Answer:(a)
- 103.Question: সঠিক বানানের শব্দ কোনটি ?
- a.Licence
- b.Licents
- c.Lisence
- d.Licens
- Answer:(c)
- 104.Question: Choose the correct spelling -
- a.Dilemma
- b.Dillema
- c.Dilema
- d.Delema
- Answer:(a)
- 105.Question: Select the correctly spelt words.
- a.Triumph
- b.Triamph
- c.Tramph
- d.Trumph
- Answer:(a)
- 106.Question: Which one is correct ?
- a.Agricultural
- b.Agrecultural
- c.Agrecaltural
- d.Agricultaral
- Answer:(a)
- 107.Question: Choose the correctly spelt word :
- a.Liesure
- b.Leisure
- c.Leasure
- d.Lesiure
- Answer:(b)
- 108.Question: Choose the correct spelling -
- a.maintainance
- b.maintenance
- c.maintanance
- d.maintenence
- Answer:(b)
- 109.Question: Select the currectly spelt words:
- a.Equilibrium
- b.Equillibrium
- c.Equallibrium
- d.Equalibrium
- Answer:(a)
- 110.Question: কোনটি শুদ্ধ বানান ?
- a.Cadaverous
- b.Cedaverous
- c.Cadavarous
- d.Cedaverous
- Answer:(a)
- 111.Question: কোনটি শুদ্ধ বানান ?
- a.Colaboration
- b.Colaboretion
- c.Collaboration
- d.Collaboretion
- Answer:(c)
- 112.Question: কোন বানানটি শুদ্ধ ?
- a.Buracrat
- b.Bureaucret
- c.Bureaucrat
- d.Buracrate
- Answer:(c)
- 113.Question: Find the misspelt word :
- a.scintillation
- b.symetry
- c.symbolic
- d.suggestive
- Answer:(b)
- 114.Question: Select the correctly spelt words.
- a.Asignment
- b.Asignement
- c.Assignment
- d.Assignement
- Answer:(c)
- 115.Question: Which one is the correct spelling ?
- a.Ciculate
- b.Circular
- c.Circuling
- d.Circulating
- Answer:(b)
- 116.Question: Select the correctly spelled out words.
- a.Comittee
- b.Occassion
- c.Indecision
- d.Exercise
- Answer:(b)
- 117.Question: কোন বানানটি শুদ্ধ ?
- a.Diphtheria
- b.Diptheria
- c.Dephteria
- d.Deptharia
- Answer:(a)
- 118.Question: কোন বানানটি শুদ্ধ ?
- a.Acquaintance
- b.Acquiantence
- c.Acquantence
- d.Acquaintence
- Answer:(a)
- 119.Question: কোনটি শুদ্ধ বানান ?
- a.Professional
- b.Profesional
- c.Proffesional
- d.Proffessional
- Answer:(a)
- 120.Question: 'Do away with it ' বাক্যের passive form হচ্ছে ----
- a.Let it be done away with
- b.Let it has done away with
- c.Let it is to be done away with it
- d.উত্তর পাওয়া যায় নাই।
- Answer:(উত্তর পাওয়া যায় নাই।)
Spelling mcq test -06
20টি কুইজের মধ্যে 18টি সঠিক উত্তর দিতে হবে।
আপনার উত্তর:
সঠিক উত্তর:
আপনার উত্তর
Question 121 to 140
- 121.Question: Select a word having the correct spelling.
- a.Prophesion
- b.Profession
- c.Proffession
- d.Profetion
- Answer:(b)
- 122.Question: The correctly spelled word is -
- a.Susceptable
- b.Suscepatable
- c.Susceptible
- d.Suscepteble
- Answer:(c)
- 123.Question: Select the correctly spelled out words.
- a.Create
- b.Craete
- c.Creat
- d.Craet
- Answer:(a)
- 124.Question: কোন বানানটি শুদ্ধ ?
- a.Catastrophe
- b.Cetastrphe
- c.Catastrofee
- d.Catastrophee
- Answer:(a)
- 125.Question: Select a word having the correct spelling.
- a.Relevent
- b.Relevant
- c.Ralevent
- d.Relavent
- Answer:(b)
- 126.Question: কোনটি শুদ্ধ বানান ?
- a.Comentry
- b.Commentry
- c.Commentery
- d.Commentary
- Answer:(d)
- 127.Question: কোন বানানটি শুদ্ধ ?
- a.Missionery
- b.Missionary
- c.Misionery
- d.Misionary
- Answer:(b)
- 128.Question: সঠিক বানানের শব্দ কোনটি ?
- a.Apropriate
- b.Appropriate
- c.Appropriet
- d.Apropriet
- Answer:(b)
- 129.Question: Select a word having the correct spelling.
- a.Expadient
- b.Expedient
- c.Expediant
- d.Expedeint
- Answer:(b)
- 130.Question: কোনটি শুদ্ধ বানান ?
- a.Psychology
- b.Sychology
- c.Psykology
- d.Sycology
- Answer:(a)
- 131.Question: Which one is correct spelling ?
- a.repitition
- b.repeatation
- c.repetition
- d.repeatition
- Answer:(c)
- 132.Question: কোনটি শুদ্ধ বানান ?
- a.Mutach
- b.Moustach
- c.Mustache
- d.Moustache
- Answer:(c, d)
- 133.Question: কোন বানানটি শুদ্ধ ?
- a.Aleviation
- b.Alleviation
- c.Alliviation
- d.Aliviation
- Answer:(c)
- 134.Question: Identify correct Spelling.
- a.Palentology
- b.Paleontalogy
- c.Paleontology
- d.Paliontology
- Answer:(a)
- 135.Question: Identify correct Spelling.
- a.Taxidarmist
- b.Taxydarmist
- c.Taxidermiest
- d.Taxidermist
- Answer:(d)
- 136.Question: Which is the correct spelling ?
- a.Incredible
- b.Incradible
- c.Incredeble
- d.Incredable
- Answer:(a)
- 137.Question: Select the currectly spelt words:
- a.Inaugarate
- b.Inaggurate
- c.Inagurate
- d.Inaugurate
- Answer:(d)
- 138.Question: Select a word having the correct spelling.
- a.Obstecle
- b.Obtacle
- c.Obstacl
- d.Obstacle
- Answer:(d)
- 139.Question: Which is the right spelling ?
- a.Magnanimus
- b.Magnanimous
- c.Maganimous
- d.Meganimous
- Answer:(b)
- 140.Question: Spot the misspelt word :
- a.atainment
- b.atrophy
- c.achievement
- d.affection
- Answer:(a)
Spelling mcq test -07
20টি কুইজের মধ্যে 18টি সঠিক উত্তর দিতে হবে।
আপনার উত্তর:
সঠিক উত্তর:
আপনার উত্তর
Question 141 to 160
- 141.Question: কোনটি ভুল বানান ?
- a.Compartive
- b.Superlative
- c.Positive
- d.Negative
- Answer:(a)
- 142.Question: Identify correct Spelling.
- a.Enthusiastic
- b.Enthousiastic
- c.Enthosusastic
- d.Enthausiastic
- Answer:(a)
- 143.Question: The correct spelling is :
- a.Transfigeration
- b.Transfiguration
- c.Transfigaration
- d.Transfeaguration
- Answer:(b)
- 144.Question: কোনটি শুদ্ধ বানান ?
- a.Existense
- b.Conivance
- c.Conquer
- d.Acustom
- Answer:(c)
- 145.Question: Find out the correct spelling.
- a.occasion
- b.deligent
- c.catalogue
- d.previlege
- Answer:(a, c)
- 146.Question: কোনটি শুদ্ধ বানান ?
- a.Examplary
- b.Exemplery
- c.Examplery
- d.Exemplary
- Answer:(d)
- 147.Question: কোনটি শুদ্ধ বানান ?
- a.Transparency
- b.Trensparency
- c.Transperency
- d.Transparency
- Answer:(a)
- 148.Question: Choose the correct spelling.
- a.discusion
- b.disscusion
- c.discussion
- d.disscussion
- Answer:(c)
- 149.Question: The correct spelling is -
- a.Humourous
- b.Humourious
- c.Humorous
- d.Humorious
- Answer:(c)
- 150.Question: Which one is correctly spelt ?
- a.Diarrhoea
- b.Dirohea
- c.Dirrohea
- d.Dirrhoea
- Answer:(a)
- 151.Question: Which one is the correct spelling ?
- a.Compity
- b.Committe
- c.Committee
- d.Comitee
- Answer:(c)
- 152.Question: Which one is correct ?
- a.Contiguos
- b.Contiguous
- c.Contigous
- d.Conteguous
- Answer:(b)
- 153.Question: কোনটি শুদ্ধ বানান ?
- a.Foreigner
- b.Forienor
- c.Foregnor
- d.Forginer
- Answer:(a)
- 154.Question: কোনটি শুদ্ধ বানান ?
- a.Seperate
- b.Separate
- c.Seperate
- d.Seperate
- Answer:(b)
- 155.Question: Find out the correct spelling.
- a.massenger
- b.messanger
- c.massengar
- d.messenger
- Answer:(d)
- 156.Question: Identify the correct spelling .
- a.Disciplin
- b.Discipline
- c.Discipline
- d.Descipline
- Answer:(c)
- 157.Question: Which is the correct spelling ?
- a.Recission
- b.Ricession
- c.Recesion
- d.Recession
- e.Ricesion
- Answer:(d)
- 158.Question: Identify the correct spelling .
- a.Atteentive
- b.Atenttive
- c.Atentive
- d.Atteentive
- Answer:(d)
- 159.Question: কোন বানানটি শুদ্ধ?
- a.Achievment
- b.Acheivment
- c.Achievement
- d.Acheivement
- Answer:(c)
- 160.Question: Find the word that is spelt incorrectly :
- a.criticised
- b.curiosity
- c.attendence
- d.carefully
- Answer:(c)
Spelling mcq test -08
20টি কুইজের মধ্যে 18টি সঠিক উত্তর দিতে হবে।
আপনার উত্তর:
সঠিক উত্তর:
আপনার উত্তর
Question 161 to 179
- 161.Question: Identify the correct spelling .
- a.Accomodation
- b.Accommodation
- c.Acommodation
- d.Acomodation
- Answer:(b)
- 162.Question: কোনটি শুদ্ধ বানান ?
- a.Beligarent
- b.Beligerent
- c.Belligerent
- d.Answer not available.
- Answer:(Answer not available.)
- 163.Question: Identification of correct spelling .
- a.Dilapedated
- b.Dellapidated
- c.Dilapidated
- d.Delapidated
- e.Dillapidated
- Answer:(c)
- 164.Question: 'আমাশয়'- এর ইংরেজি হচ্ছে -
- a.Dysentry
- b.Dysentery
- c.Desentery
- d.Deasentry
- Answer:(b)
- 165.Question: কোন বানানটি শুদ্ধ ?
- a.Conoisseur
- b.Connoiseur
- c.Connoisseur
- d.Connoisser
- Answer:(c)
- 166.Question: Which of the following words is misspelt ?
- a.anaesthesia
- b.lieutenant
- c.caterpillar
- d.dynosaur
- Answer:(d)
- 167.Question: কোনটি শুদ্ধ বানান ?
- a.Achievment
- b.Acheivment
- c.Achievement
- d.Acheevment
- Answer:(c)
- 168.Question: কোনটি শুদ্ধ বানান ?
- a.Achievement
- b.Achievment
- c.Acheivment
- d.Achevement
- Answer:(a)
- 169.Question: Choose the correctly spelt word :
- a.Tsunami
- b.Sunami
- c.Suname
- d.Sunamee
- Answer:(a)
- 170.Question: কোন বানানটি শুদ্ধ ?
- a.Surveilance
- b.Surveillance
- c.Sarveillance
- d.Surveillence
- Answer:(b)
- 171.Question: Identify correct Spelling.
- a.Precedence
- b.Presedence
- c.Presidence
- d.Prescedence
- Answer:(a)
- 172.Question: কোনটি শুদ্ধ বানান ?
- a.Siperstotois
- b.Supertitious
- c.Superstitious
- d.Supperstitios
- Answer:(c)
- 173.Question: কোনটি শুদ্ধ বানান ?
- a.Transluscent
- b.Translucent
- c.Translusent
- d.Translucent
- Answer:(b)
- 174.Question: Select the correctly spelt words.
- a.Jadgement
- b.Judgement
- c.Jugement
- d.Judzement
- Answer:(b)
- 175.Question: নিচের বানানগুলোর কয়টি শুদ্ধ - marraige, possesion , beginning , believe , receive , indispensible.
- a.১টি
- b.২টি
- c.৩টি
- d.৪টি
- Answer:(c)
- 176.Question: Select a word having the correct spelling.
- a.Glorias
- b.Glorious
- c.Glurious
- d.Gloriace
- Answer:(b)
- 177.Question: Which one is correct spelling ?
- a.Tution
- b.Teution
- c.Tuition
- d.Tiution
- Answer:(c)
- 178.Question: কোন বানানটি শুদ্ধ ?
- a.Effloracence
- b.Efflorescence
- c.Effloresence
- d.Efflorescence
- Answer:(b)
- 179.Question: Find out the sentence that has no spelling errors -
- a.He was commited to truth and justice
- b.He atained everything that he desired
- c.A parently , he was delayed by train
- d.What will be the comitte's work now
- Answer:(a)
Spelling mcq test -09
19টি কুইজের মধ্যে 17টি সঠিক উত্তর দিতে হবে।
আপনার উত্তর:
সঠিক উত্তর:
আপনার উত্তর