Question 01 to 20
- 1.Question: William Halitt is a -
- a.Novelist
- b.Essayist
- c.Dramatist
- d.Poet
- Answer:(b)
- 2.Question: Which Indian English writter wrote 'A Suitable Boy ' ?
- a.Nirod Chaudhuri
- b.Jhumpa Lehri
- c.Anita Desai
- d.Vikram Seth
- Answer:(d)
- 3.Question: 'Our sweetest song are those that tell of saddest thoughts' -Who is the poet ?
- a.Kippling
- b.Wordsworth
- c.Shelley
- d.Byron
- Answer:(c)
- 4.Question: The last line of "To daffodils" is -
- a.Ne'er to be seen again
- b.Vanish like summer's rain
- c.Ne'er to be found again
- d.As quick a growth to meet decay
- Answer:(d)
- 5.Question: 'Ballad' is---
- a.a kind of short narrative poem
- b.a kind of short condoling poem
- c.a kind of short love poem
- d.a rhymic verse
- Answer:(a)
- 6.Question: The first English novel, Pamela, has been written by -
- a.Daniel Defoe
- b.Henry Fielding
- c.Samuel Richardson
- d.Sir Walter Scott
- Answer:(c)
- 7.Question: Emily Bronte is a --- ?
- a.Poet
- b.Critic
- c.Novelist
- d.Scientist
- Answer:(c)
- 8.Question: Hamlet by Shakespeare is -
- a.a comedy
- b.a tragic-comedy
- epic
- d.a tragedy
- Answer:(d)
- 9.Question: 'A thing of beauty is a joy for ever' was stated by -
- a.John Keats
- b.William Shakespeare
- c.Bacon
- d.Milton
- Answer:(a)
- 10.Question: Who was English poet addicted to opium ?
- a.S.T. Coleridge
- b.P.B. Shelly
- c.John Keats
- d.S. Buck
- Answer:(a)
- 11.Question: Alexander Pope's "An Essay on Man" is a -
- a.Novel
- b.Treatise
- c.Short story
- d.Poem
- Answer:(d)
- 12.Question: 'Gitanjali' of Rabindranath Tagore was translated by--
- a.W.B. Yeats
- b.Robert Frost
- c.John Keats
- d.Rudyard Kipling
- Answer:(a)
- 13.Question: Who translated the ‘Rubáiyát of Omar Khayyám’ into English?
- a.Thomas Carlyle
- b.Edward FitzGerald
- c.D.G. Rossetti
- d.William Thackeray
- Answer:(b)
- 14.Question: Othello gave Desdemona _______ as a token of love:
- a.Ring
- b.Handkercheif
- c.Pendant
- d.Bangles
- Answer:(b)
- 15.Question: One of the four mentionedbelow is not a Novelist of modern age in English Language. Who is he ?
- a.H.G Wells
- b.Charles Dickens
- c.Rudyard Kipling
- d.T.S. Elliot
- Answer:(b)
- 16.Question: A famous English poet who was Professionally known as a man of medicine is ---- ?
- a.Shelley
- b.Keats
- c.Milton
- d.Pope
- Answer:(b)
- 17.Question: Of the following authors who wrote an epic ?
- a.Jane Mansfield
- b.John Milton
- c.William Cowpe
- d.William Shakespeare
- Answer:(b)
- 18.Question: “The sun also rises” is a novel written by –
- a.Charles Dickens
- b.Harmanne Melville
- c.Earnest Hemingway
- d.Thomas Hardly
- Answer:(c)
- 19.Question: Francis Bacon is a/an -
- a.Novelist
- b.Dramatist
- c.Poet
- d.Essayist
- Answer:(d)
- 20.Question: William Shakespeare is a famous-- Century English Playwright.
- a.nineteenth
- b.sixteenth
- c.fifteenth
- d.twelfth
- Answer:(b)
English Literature-01
20টি কুইজের মধ্যে 18টি সঠিক উত্তর দিতে হবে।
আপনার উত্তর:
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আপনার উত্তর
Question 21 to 40
- 21.Question: In the lines "Here shall he see/No enemy" taken from 'Under the Greenwood Tree' 'Here' stands for -
- a.nature
- b.the greenwood tree
- space
- d.hunting ground
- Answer:(b)
- 22.Question: What is the full name of O' Henry ?
- a.Walt Whitman
- b.William Sydney Porter
- c.M. K . Bawlings
- d.O' Neill
- Answer:(b)
- 23.Question: 'Point Counterpoint' - এর লেখক কে ?
- a.Charlotte Bronte
- b.H .G . Wells
- c.John Galsworthy
- d.Aldous Huxley
- Answer:(d)
- 24.Question: To be or not to be, that is the question- a question from Shakespeare's---
- a.Tempest
- b.Julius Ceaser
- c.Hamlet
- d.As you loke it
- Answer:(c)
- 25.Question: William Wordsworth এর সমসাময়িক কবি কে ?
- a.T.S. Eliot
- b.W.B. Yeats
- c.D.G. Rossetti
- d.S.T. Coleridge
- Answer:(d)
- 26.Question: William Shakespeare is the author of--
- a.Paradise Lost
- b.Old ,
- c.Answer not available.
- d.King Lear
- Answer:(Answer not available.)
- 27.Question: 'Victor Huge' was a -
- a.English novelist
- b.American novelist
- c.Scottish novelist
- d.French novelist
- Answer:(d)
- 28.Question: In Which year Sir Winston Churchill got the Nobel Prize in literature ?
- a.1943
- b.1945
- c.1948
- d.1953
- Answer:(d)
- 29.Question: What is the meaning of the word 'Dirge' ?
- a.a kind of sonnet sequence
- b.a song expressing patrotic sentiment
- c.a long verse telling about an adventure
- d.a song expressing grief, lamentation and mourning
- Answer:(d)
- 30.Question: Lady Chatterley's Lover was written by the author of --
- a.A Passage to India
- b.Lord Jim
- c.Rainbow
- d.Ulysses
- Answer:(c)
- 31.Question: ‘The Rape of the Lock’ by Alexander Pope is a/an-c
- a.epic
- b.ballad
- c.mock-heroic poem
- d.elegy
- Answer:(c)
- 32.Question: Charles Dicknes is a great---
- a.poet
- b.novelist
- c.critic
- d.dramatist
- Answer:(b)
- 33.Question: Who is called the poet of beauty in English Literature?
- a.P.B. Shelley
- b.Lord Byron
- c.William Wordsworth
- d.John Keats
- Answer:(d)
- 34.Question: Choose the right answer: Chaucer is the representative poet of-
- a.17th century
- b.14th century
- c.16th century
- d.18th century
- Answer:(b)
- 35.Question: Which of the following writers belong to the Elizabethan period?
- a.Christopher Marlowe
- b.Alexander Pope
- c.John Dryden
- d.Samuel Beckett
- Answer:(a)
- 36.Question: 'All the world's a stage and all the men and women merely players'- a quotation from Shakespeare's-
- a.Macbeth
- b.As you like it
- c.Romeo & Juliet
- d.Tempest
- Answer:(b)
- 37.Question: Who is the author of 'The Origin of Species' ?
- a.C. Darwin
- b.A. Pope
- c.T. Hardy
- d.O. Goldsmith
- Answer:(a)
- 38.Question: The year 1798 is famous for--
- a.The French Revolution
- b.The American Independence
- c.The death of keats
- d.Publication of Lyrical Ballads
- Answer:(d)
- 39.Question: From which poem are the following lines taken ? 'Our sweetest songs are those that tell of the saddest thoughts'
- a.To a Skylark
- b.Remembrance
- c.Gifts of God
- d.A Farewel
- Answer:(a)
- 40.Question: Of the following authors, who wrote as epic?ক.Jane Mansfield
- a.Jane Mansfield
- b.William Cowper
- c.John Milton
- d.William Shakespeare
- Answer:(c)
English Literature-02
20টি কুইজের মধ্যে 18টি সঠিক উত্তর দিতে হবে।
আপনার উত্তর:
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আপনার উত্তর
Question 41 to 60
- 41.Question: Who wrote the poem ‘The Good-Morrow’
- a.George Herbert
- b.Andrew Marvell
- c.John Donne
- d.Henry Vaughan
- Answer:(c)
- 42.Question: Of the following authors, who wrote as epic?ক.Jane Mansfield
- a.V.I. Lenin
- b.Leo Tolstoy
- c.Agatha Cristie
- d.Mao Tse Tung
- Answer:(a)
- 43.Question: Which one of the following is not written by Shakespeare?
- a.Macbeth
- b.Hamlet
- c.Othelo
- d.Dr Faustus
- Answer:(d)
- 44.Question: হোয়াইটহেডের বিখ্যাত পুস্তিকাটির নাম কি ?
- a.The Social Contract
- b.The Aim of Education
- c.The Rythm of Education
- d.Education and Democracy
- Answer:(b)
- 45.Question: Who wrote 'Crime and Punishment' ?
- a.Shellay
- b.Tolstoy
- c.Dostoevosky
- d.Byron
- Answer:(c)
- 46.Question: 'Give me good a mothers, I will give you a good nation.' was the observation of-
- a.Hitlar
- b.Abraham Linclon
- c.Napoleon
- d.Sk Majib
- Answer:(c)
- 47.Question: 'Into the --- of death rode the six hundred.'
- b.tunnel
- c.mad
- d.valley
- Answer:(d)
- 48.Question: Which two things of nature does Robert Herrick find similar to human beings and daffodils ?
- a.rising sun , moon
- b.summer's rain , morning's dew
- c.spring , summer
- d.hasting day , even song
- Answer:(b)
- 49.Question: ‘Ulysses’ is a novel written by-
- a.Joseph Conrad
- b.Thomas Hardy
- c.Charles Dickens
- d.James Joyce
- Answer:(d)
- 50.Question: 'Phoenix' is --
- a.a mythological bird
- b.a kind of eagle
- c.a God of Greek mythology
- d.a leopard
- Answer:(a)
- 51.Question: The Marchant of Venice is a drama by--
- a.Webster
- b.William Shakespeare
- c.Ben Johnson
- d.Christopher Marlowe
- Answer:(b)
- 52.Question: 'রোমিও জুলিয়েট'- কার লেখা?
- a.শেক্সপিয়ার
- b.আর্নেষ্ট হেমিংওয়ে
- c.জন কিটস্
- d.কোনটিই না
- Answer:(a)
- 53.Question: ভরতপক্ষী ও সমীরণের কবি (Poet of Skylark and Winds) নামে পরিচিত কে ?
- a.Lord Byron
- b.John Keats
- c.William Wordsworth
- d.P.B. Shelley
- Answer:(d)
- 54.Question: William Shakespeare is a famous --- Century English playwright.
- a.nineteenth
- b.sixteenth
- c.eighteenth
- d.fifteenth
- e.twelfth
- Answer:(b)
- 55.Question: Shakespeare's 'Merchant of Venice' is a---
- a.Tragedy
- b.Comedy
- c.Staire
- d.Lyric
- Answer:(b)
- 56.Question: Charles Dickens is a great ---?
- a.Poet
- b.Critic
- c.Play-Wright
- d.Novelist
- Answer:(d)
- 57.Question: Who is considered to be the father of English novel ?
- a.Francis Bacon
- b.Geoffery Chaucer
- c.King Alfred the Great
- d.Henry Fielding
- Answer:(d)
- 58.Question: 'Moby Dick' deals with -
- a.a Shark
- b.a Crocodile
- c.a Sea -Gull
- d.a While
- Answer:(d)
- 59.Question: "A Passage to India" is written by--
- a.E.M. Forster
- b.Rudyard Kipling
- c.Galls Worthy
- d.A.H. Auden
- Answer:(a)
- 60.Question: 'All the perfumes of Arabia will not sweeten this little hand' is a quotation from -
- a.Hamlet
- b.Othelo
- c.King Lear
- d.Macbeth
- Answer:(d)
English Literature-03
20টি কুইজের মধ্যে 18টি সঠিক উত্তর দিতে হবে।
আপনার উত্তর:
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আপনার উত্তর
Question 61 to 80
- 61.Question: Tennyson wrote -
- a.The Lotos Eaters
- b.Dover Beach
- c.My Last Dutchess
- d.The Eve of St. Agnes
- Answer:(a)
- 62.Question: Who is called the 'poet of Nature' in English literature ?
- a.Lord Byron
- b.John Keats
- c.William Wordsworth
- d.P.B. Shelley
- Answer:(c)
- 63.Question: ঈশ্বরচন্দ্র বিদ্যাসাগরের ‘ভ্রান্তবিলাস’ কোন গ্রন্থের অনুবাদ?
- a.Uncle Tom's Cabin
- b.Doll's House
- c.Macbeth
- d.The Comedy of Errors
- Answer:(d)
- 64.Question: Author of 'The Time Machine' is -
- a.T.S. Eliot
- b.Thomas Kdy
- c.Robert Herrick
- d.H.G. Wells
- Answer:(d)
- 65.Question: What is catastrophy ?
- a.The comical end of dramatic events
- b.The tragic end of dramatic events
- c.The comic tragic end of the play
- d.None of the above
- Answer:(b)
- 66.Question: 'Child is the father of a man' is taken from the poem of--
- a.W. Wordsworth
- b.S.T. Coleridge
- c.P.B. Shelley
- d.A.C. Swinburne
- Answer:(a)
- 67.Question: "Full many flower is born to blush unseen, And waste its sweetness on the desert air"- কোন কবির কবিতা থেকে নেয়া হয়েছে?
- a.P.B. Shelley
- b.William Wordsworth
- c.Thomas Gray
- d.John Keats
- Answer:(c)
- 68.Question: Who is considered to be the father of English Poem?
- a.William Langland
- b.Thomas More
- c.Roger Bacon
- d.Geoffery Chaucer
- Answer:(d)
- 69.Question: Who wrote Madame Bovary ?
- a.Leo Tolstoy
- b.James Joyce
- c.E . M . Forster
- d.Gustave Flaubert
- Answer:(d)
- 70.Question: Who compiled the first English Dictionary ?
- a.Adam Smith
- b.Dr. Johnson
- c.Edmund Burke
- d.Edward Gibbon
- Answer:(b)
- 71.Question: One of the following authors, one is French. Who is he ?
- a.Sir Asther Doyle
- b.W. Somerset Maugham
- c.Edward Fitzerald
- d.Alexander Dumas
- Answer:(d)
- 72.Question: The rainbow is ---?
- a.a poem by Wordsworth
- b.a short story by Somerset Maugham
- c.a novel by D. H . Lawrence
- d.a verse by Coleridge
- Answer:(c)
- 73.Question:William Shakespeare was born in –
- a.1616
- b.1664
- c.1564
- d.1493
- Answer:(c)
- 74.Question: 'Othelia' is an important character in the Shakespearean play-
- a.Macbeth
- b.The Tempest
- c.Hamlet
- d.King Lear
- Answer:(c)
- 75.Question: The meaning of the word 'Euphemism'?
- a.Vague idea
- b.In offensive expression
- c.a sonnet
- d.Wise saying
- Answer:(b)
- 76.Question: Who wrote the world famous tragic play 'King Lear'?
- a.G.B. Shaw
- b.William Shakespeare
- c.Christopher Marlowe
- d.John Milton
- Answer:(b)
- 77.Question: 'To err is human , to forgive is divine' --- is written by -
- a.A. Tennyson
- b.W. Blake
- c.J. Milton
- d.Alexander Pope
- Answer:(d)
- 78.Question: 'The Canterbury Tales' are told by ---?
- a.Geofray Chaucer
- b.John Wyclif
- c.Boccaccio
- d.Thomas Barth
- Answer:(a)
- 79.Question: Who is called the poet of poets ?
- a.Geoffrey Chaucer
- b.Edmund Spenser
- c.Thomas Kyd
- d.William Shakespeare
- Answer:(b)
- 80.Question: Who described 'Moana lisa as' older the rocks among which she sit's ?
- a.Jane Austen
- b.Shakespeare
- c.Walter Pater
- d.Bertrand Russel
- Answer:(c)
English Literature-04
20টি কুইজের মধ্যে 18টি সঠিক উত্তর দিতে হবে।
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আপনার উত্তর
Question 81 to 100
- 81.Question: In what year did Shakespeare died ?
- a.1570 AD
- b.1580 AD
- c.1630 AD
- d.1616 AD
- Answer:(d)
- 82.Question: Which poetry is written by sir Walter Scott ?
- a.Patriotism
- b.The patriot
- c.A Frosty Night
- d.All of the above
- Answer:(a)
- 83.Question: Which one of the following does not mean 'a road'?
- a.Alley
- b.Boulevard
- c.Track
- d.Lagoon
- Answer:(d)
- 84.Question: The novel 'Roots' was written by -
- a.Hsnry miller
- b.H.G Wells
- c.Alex Haley
- d.P.B. Shelley
- Answer:(c)
- 85.Question: Who said "An unexamined life is wrong living"?
- a.Socrates
- b.Plato
- c.Artistotle
- d.Zeno
- Answer:(a)
- 86.Question: Shakespeare composed much of his plays in what sort of verse?
- a.Alliterative verse
- b.Sonnet form
- c.Iambic pemtameter
- d.Daetylic Haxameter
- Answer:(c)
- 87.Question: Who is the modern philosopher who was awarded Nobel Prize for literature ?
- a.James Baker
- b.Dr. Kissinger
- c.Bertrand Russel
- d.Lenin
- Answer:(c)
- 88.Question: 'Silent Women' written by -
- a.John Ruskin
- b.Ben Jonson
- c.Kalidas
- d.Munshi Prem Chand
- Answer:(b)
- 89.Question: A work which has a meaning behind the surface meaning is--
- epic
- allegory
- c.a metaphor
- d.personification
- Answer:(a)
- 90.Question: William Worrdsworth is per-eminently-
- a.a poet of nature
- b.a poet of love
- c.a poet of human nature
- d.a poet of liberty
- Answer:(a)
- 91.Question: Allegorical means--
- a.poetry
- b.written in verse
- c.having symbolic meaning
- d.with timely significant
- Answer:(c)
- 92.Question: Who wrote the book 'Cancer Word' ?
- a.Alexander Solshenitsin
- b.Alexander Pope
- c.Boris Pastemak
- d.Leo Tolstoy
- Answer:(a)
- 93.Question: 'Protagonist' indicates -
- a.the villain in a play
- b.the leading character of actor in a play
- c.the clown in a play
- d.the stage-director of a play
- Answer:(b)
- 94.Question: P.B. Shelley’s “Adonais’ is an elegy on the death of –
- a.John Milton
- b.S.T. Coleridge
- c.John Keats
- d.Lord Byron
- Answer:(c)
- 95.Question: Shylock যে নাটকের চরিত্র, সে নাটকটির নাম -
- a.Doctor Faustus
- b.The Merchant of Venice
- c.The way of the world
- d.Arms and the Man
- Answer:(b)
- 96.Question: Which one of the following is the first long poem in English ?
- a.The Wanderer
- b.Beowulf
- c.The Seafarer
- d.Dream of the Road
- Answer:(b)
- 97.Question: "That's one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind".
- a.এডউন অলড্রিন
- b.আলফ্রেড নোবেল
- c.মাইকেল কলিন্স
- d.নীল আর্মস্ট্রং
- Answer:(d)
- 98.Question: What is a funny poem of five lines called?
- a.Quartet
- b.Limerick
- c.Sixtet
- d.haiku
- Answer:(b)
- 99.Question: Which one is not a literary ornament?
- a.Simile
- b.Similar
- c.Similitude
- d.Sarcasm
- Answer:(b)
- 100.Question: What is "Linguistics"?
- a.The study of history
- b.The study of literature
- c.The study of porse
- d.The Scientific study of language
- Answer:(d)
English Literature-05
20টি কুইজের মধ্যে 18টি সঠিক উত্তর দিতে হবে।
আপনার উত্তর:
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আপনার উত্তর
Question 101 to 120
- 101.Question: 'Renaissance' means--
- a.the revival of learning
- b.the revival of hard work
- c.the revival of life
- d.the revival of new country
- Answer:(a)
- 102.Question: Which word seems out of place ?
- a.rose
- b.lily
- c.cauliflower
- d.daffodil
- Answer:(d)
- 103.Question: Wordsworth is a ---- poet. ?
- a.classical
- b.modern
- c.romantic
- d.greek
- Answer:(c)
- 104.Question: Where is expressed the view that 'There is a divinity that shapes our ends?
- a.In King Lear
- b.In Hamlet
- c.In The Tempest
- d.In Merry Wives of Windsor
- Answer:(b)
- 105.Question: Water, water, every where, not a drop to drink'. লাইনটি কোন কবির লেখা ?
- a.Wordsworth
- b.Gray
- c.Coleridge
- d.Scott
- Answer:(c)
- 106.Question: "মৃত্যু হচ্ছে নিছক" A short sleep . -এই উক্তটি কার ?
- a.বায়রন
- b.কিটস
- c.মাইকেল মধুসূদন দত্ত
- d.সুইটম্যান
- Answer:(b)
- 107.Question: 'The Sacred Flame' is Written by
- a.William Somerset Maugham
- b.G.B. Shaw
- c.Ernest Hemingway
- d.Oscar Wilde
- Answer:(d)
- 108.Question: In "Ozymandias" the poet says , "I met a traveller --- an --- land."
- , old
- b.going , ancient
- c.from , antique
- d.passing , antique
- Answer:(c)
- 109.Question: 'Uncle Tom's Cabin' -এর লেখক কে ?
- a.Tennyson
- b.Pearl S. Buck
- c.Mrs. Harriet Stowe
- d.Thomas Hardy
- Answer:(c)
- 110.Question: 'England expects every man to do his duty'. - who told it ?
- a.Nelosn
- b.Churchill
- c.Wilson
- d.Thatcher
- Answer:(a)
- 111.Question: Calliban is a character in --
- a.King Lear
- b.Tempest
- c.Man and Superman
- d.Othelo
- Answer:(b)
- 112.Question: Brutus is a famous character of Shakespeare in-
- a.King Lear
- b.Julius Ceaser
- c.The Tempest
- d.Hamlet
- Answer:(b)
- 113.Question: What is "Linguistics"?
- a.The study of history
- b.The study of literature
- c.The study of porse
- d.The Scientific study of language
- Answer:(d)
- 114.Question: Shakespeare's 'Measure for Measure' is a successful--
- a.tragedy
- b.comedy
- c.tragi-comedy
- d.melo drama
- Answer:(b)
- 115.Question: The author of the book 'Asian Drama' is -
- a.Shakespeare
- b.Gunnar Myrdal
- c.Humayun Kabir
- d.Bertrand Russel
- Answer:(b)
- 116.Question: Shakespeare's 'Merchant of Venice' is a -
- a.Tragedy
- b.comedy
- c.Satire
- d.Lyric
- Answer:(b)
- 117.Question: 'The Daffodil' is a poem written by -
- a.William Wordsworth
- b.Lewis Caroll
- c.John Keats
- d.P.B. Shelly
- Answer:(a)
- 118.Question: 'But I have promises to keep, And miles to go before I sleep' -was written by -
- a.T.S. Eliot
- b.W.B. Yeats
- c.Robert Frost
- d.Ted Huges
- Answer:(c)
- 119.Question: Who is the author of 'the Old man and the Sea' ?
- a.H. Melvile
- b.George
- c.Charles Dickens
- d.Earnest Hemingway
- Answer:(d)
- 120.Question: Who is the author of "For Whom the Bell Tolls" ?
- a.Charles Dickens
- b.Homer
- c.Lord Tennyson
- d.Earnest Hemingway
- Answer:(d)
English Literature-06
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